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 Armies of the Middle

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
المراقب العام
المراقب العام

ذكر عدد المشاركات : 126
العمر : 33
علم بلدى : Armies of the Middle Male_e10
مزاجك اليوم : Armies of the Middle 3011
المهنة : Armies of the Middle Collec10
الهواية : Armies of the Middle Sports10
نقاط التقييم : 6
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/02/2010

Armies of the Middle Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Armies of the Middle   Armies of the Middle Icon_minitimeالإثنين أبريل 05, 2010 4:47 pm

Armies of the Middle Ages
The first medieval armies were tribal war
bands carried over from ancient times. These evolved into feudal armies
made up of a lord's vassals and their respective retainers. Fief holders
were required to provide a period of military service each year. This
began as weeks or months of service by the vassal accompanied by
professional soldiers he retained personally. The armies of later kings
and wealthy lords consisted of a higher proportion of professionals and
mercenaries. Late in the period, vassals sent money instead of actually
serving in armies, and this "martial tax" helped kings to support armies
Service in feudal armies was a matter of duty and honor
for the knights. In a warrior society, knights lived for the opportunity
to fight. Success in battle was the main path to recognition and
wealth. For professional soldiers, often the sons of the aristocracy
left with little when the eldest began inheriting everything, fighting
was a job. It was duty for peasants also, when they were called up, but
certainly not an honor.
By the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries,
many commoners joined the ranks for pay that was often much better than
that for more peaceful employment. A strong attraction for a commoner to
become a soldier was the prospect of loot. Tribal warriors stayed loyal
to their warrior chief and fought for him so long as he provided them
with a living and loot. These ideals of the war band carried over into
the feudal age. Low-ranking knights and professional foot soldiers
longed for the opportunity to take part in the assault against a rich
town or castle because strongholds that resisted were traditionally
looted. A soldier could gather up many times his year's pay during the
sack of a city. Pitched battles also offered opportunities for gain. The
armor and weapons of the dead could be sold and captured knights could
be ransomed.
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Armies of the Middle
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