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منتديات المحترف
مرحبا بك عزيزى الزائر / عزيزتى الزائرة
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منتديات المحترف
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 محرر نصوص عملاق ومطور جداً UltraEdit

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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ذكر عدد المشاركات : 776
نقاط التقييم : 30
تاريخ التسجيل : 13/12/2008

محرر نصوص عملاق ومطور جداً UltraEdit Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: محرر نصوص عملاق ومطور جداً UltraEdit   محرر نصوص عملاق ومطور جداً UltraEdit Icon_minitimeالثلاثاء فبراير 03, 2009 2:36 am


محرر نصوص عملاق ومطور جداً UltraEdit 4i0oy8

محرر نصوص عملاق ومطور جداً UltraEdit

محرر نصوص عملاق ومطور جداً UltraEdit UltraEdit

UltraEdit | 11.53 MB
UltraEdit-32 محرر نصوص عملاق ومطور جداً يقوم بتحرير لغات البرمجة تقريبا كاملة, ويدعم ملفات الهكس و HTML, PHP, java******, Perl, C/C++, and a multitude
وللبنرامج الكثير من المميزات حيث يمكنة ان يحرر ملف حجمة اكبر من 4 غيغا اي يفتح ملفات ذات حجم كبير جداً وهذا نسخة رائعة منه
**** Editor
HEX Editor
HTML Editor

UltraEdit is a powerful disk-basked **** editor, programmer's editor, and hex editor that is used to edit HTML, PHP, java******, Perl, C/C++, and a multitude of other coding/programming ********s. UltraEdit can handle and edit files in excess of 4 gigabytes. It's versatile and easy to use. An excellent replacement for Notepad and a whole lot more. Powerful yet very easy to use for thenovice and experienced power user. The userconfigurable syntax highlighting (coloring) ispre-configured for HTML, Java, C/C++, VB - even hasspecial support for ASP. Users have often edited files of 4GB or larger with UltraEdit-32. Its disk-****dediting design allows for easy handling of large fileswithout using up lots of RAM. UltraEdit-32 will meet your editing needs.
Key Features:
* Code Folding
* Supports 64-bit file handling (standard) on all 32-bit Windows platforms
* Unicode support
* Disk ****d **** editing and large file handling - supports files in excess of 4GB, minimum RAM used even for multi-megabyte files
* Mulitline find and replace dialogs for all searches (Find, Replace, Find in Files, Replace in Files)
* 100,000 word spell checker, with foreign ********s support (American English, British English, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Spanish and Swedish)
* Syntax highlighting - configurable, pre-configured for C/C++, VB, HTML, Java, and Perl, with special options for FORTRAN and LaTex. Multiple wordfiles available for download
* FTP client built in to give access to FTP servers with multiple account settings and automatic logon and save. (32-Bit Only) Includes support for SFTP (SSH2)
* SSH/Telnet window
* Project/workspace support
* Environment Selector - Provides predefined or user-created editing "environments" that remember the state of all of UltraEdit's dockable windows, toolbars and more for user convenience.
* Integrated ******ing ******** to automate tasks
* Configurable keyboard mapping
* Column/block mode editing
* Hexadecimal editor allows editing of any binary file, shows binary and ASCII view
* Named templates
* HTML toolbar preconfigured for popular HTML functions
* WebSearch Toolbar: highlight **** and click a websearch toolbar button to search for highlighted term from within the editor
o Google search
o Yahoo search
o Wikipedia
o Dictionary.com
o Thesaurus.com
o Whois
o Network Solutions Whois
o PHP.net search
o cplusplus.com search
o MSDN online search
* File encryption / decryption
o Encrypt your sensitive source code files using your own key
o Integrates with UltraSentry to (optionally) securely destroy original, unencrypted file
o Decrypt files in UltraEdit only
* Integration with UltraSentry to securely delete UltraEdit temporary files
* Multi-byte support with integrated IME support

Changes in UltraEdit v14.20.1.1000 (2008-11-26):
* Added improved ******ing error/debug support
* Fixed FTP issue with very long directory paths
* Fixed FTP file compare issue
* Fixed FTP Open account dropdown on Windows 2000
* Fixed relative file path issue with FTP
* Fixed local copy directory issue when saving to FTP
* Fixed a few other minor FTP issues
* Fixed crash with Perl regexp search of hex value
* Fixed issue with incorrect highlighting of matched **** when using F3 in column mode
* Fixed a couple of issues with ******ing find in files and replace in files methods
* Fixed issue where using ******** index for find in ******ing environment doesn't work properly
* Fixed crash with function list and very long lined Java****** file
* Fixed a couple of other minor function list issues
* Other minor issues and enhancements
3 Download Link: NO MIRROR PLEASE

Download Link: Uploading.com (Only these country please: US, DE, ES, UK, FR, RU, UA IT, CA, NL, AT, CZ, GR, PL)
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

Download Link: Depositfiles (Only these country please: US, DE, ES, UK, FR, RU, IT, CA, PT, NL, BE)
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

Download Link for other Countries:
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط].

محرر نصوص عملاق ومطور جداً UltraEdit 2zfo654
محرر نصوص عملاق ومطور جداً UltraEdit 2z65lxx

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محرر نصوص عملاق ومطور جداً UltraEdit
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